Planning Ahead To Service Your Air Conditioning This Spring To Beat The Summer Heat

Is your HVAC system struggling to turn on and off? Learn to recognize HVAC problems early so you can avoid permanent damage.

Planning Ahead To Service Your Air Conditioning This Spring To Beat The Summer Heat

Planning Ahead To Service Your Air Conditioning This Spring To Beat The Summer Heat

28 December 2020
, Blog

Before you know it, the summer heat is going to be here. Therefore, it is good to start planning the AC work that needs to be done now. You are going to want to have this work done this spring to get ready for warmer weather. The following AC servicing information will help you plan ahead and beat the summer heat by having it done in spring.

Weatherization and Preparing the Condensing Unit

The AC system is often weatherized to help protect components from damage over the winter months. This is work that is done to the AC condensing unit during the cold weather, and it needs to be undone. The work that you need to have done to the AC condensing unit includes:

  • Remove any coverings
  • Unplug condensation drain lines
  • Clean the condensing coils and other parts
  • Inspect the AC condensing unit for signs of damage  

The weatherization is usually done for condensing units, but not for heat pump systems. This is because heat pumps are still used in winter to provide heating to your home.

Inspecting Your AC for Common Winter Damage to Repair

The AC can also be affected by winter damage, which is why you will want to inspect your air conditioner. The inspection of your system should start outside with the condensing unit, but not stop there. You also want to check for mildew and mold issues that can grow on components or ducts that have not been used.

Checking the Air Handler and Ductwork for Issues

The air handler and ductwork are other areas where you may need to have repairs done. Sometimes, problems with the air conditioning in your home are issues with the ducts and air handlers. First, you want to check the air handler and blower fan of your AC for issues that need to be repaired. You also want to check the ductwork for problems with air leaks or issues with mold. If there is a mold problem, this is a serious issue that needs to be cleaned up before using your HVAC system.

Making Sure That AC Thermostat Controls Are Working Correctly

The thermostat is another area where you will want to check for problems this spring. The thermostat controls could be outdated and need to be replaced to make your cooling more efficient for summer heatwaves. The thermostat may only need to be calibrated with your AC to ensure it is working correctly.

The air conditioning may need to be repaired before you can turn it on. Call air conditioning services to help with the maintenance and repairs that need to be done to ensure you beat the summer heat this year.

About Me
Keeping My HVAC System On Point

About a year ago, I could tell that our HVAC system was really starting to struggle. No matter what we did, the system seemed to have a hard time turning on and off. When our air was running, it smelled terrible. In the winter, it seemed like our home was never warm enough. To ward off sudden failures, we hired a professional to come out and inspect our system. After a thorough analysis, we discovered that there were some serious fan problems. This blog is all about recognizing HVAC system problems early and keeping your system on point, so that you can avoid permanent damage.
