Air Conditioning Installation Issues To Avoid

Is your HVAC system struggling to turn on and off? Learn to recognize HVAC problems early so you can avoid permanent damage.

Air Conditioning Installation Issues To Avoid

Air Conditioning Installation Issues To Avoid

1 August 2023
, Blog

When you are ready to install a new air conditioning system in your home, it's important that you take some careful steps to ensure that the new unit is properly installed without complications. Before you reach out to your local air conditioning installation technician, there are a few things that you need to consider. Here's a look at some of the most common issues that many homeowners encounter with new air conditioning installation.

Issues from Insufficient Planning

Before you invest in a new air conditioning system or start your installation, the planning process needs careful attention. When you overlook the planning process, you run the risk of costly mistakes. For example, make sure you measure the installation location so that you can be sure that the unit you choose will fit properly. Not only that, but you should also take time to gather the tools, supplies, and additional equipment you might need for that successful installation.

Problems with Incorrect Sizing

Choosing the right size air conditioning unit makes all the difference in the operation, efficiency, and comfort levels of your air conditioning system. Choosing the wrong size unit may leave you faced with inefficient operation from short cycling or increased energy consumption and prolonged wear and tear from a system that can't keep up.

Challenges from Lack of Preparation

Before you install an air conditioning system, you need an area that is clean, clear, and free of obstructions. Make sure you remove any shrubs or overhanging obstructions that could interfere with the system's proper operation. This process also allows you to ensure adequate space for the unit to have the clearance that it needs on all sides.

Malfunctions from Thermostat Placement Mistakes

The area where you place your cooling system thermostat is important. Choose an interior wall in an area free of drafts, direct sunlight, and heat sources. That way, you have a better chance of accurate and consistent readings for effective cooling.

Complications with Electrical Supply

When you install an air conditioning system, you need to be sure that your air conditioner has sufficient electrical access. Remember that the electrical demand of a central air conditioner is significant, so talk with your air conditioning installation technician for testing and assessment of the electrical system.

These are just some of the things that you need to consider when you're ready to install a new air conditioner. Talk with your air conditioning installation technician today for more guidance.

About Me
Keeping My HVAC System On Point

About a year ago, I could tell that our HVAC system was really starting to struggle. No matter what we did, the system seemed to have a hard time turning on and off. When our air was running, it smelled terrible. In the winter, it seemed like our home was never warm enough. To ward off sudden failures, we hired a professional to come out and inspect our system. After a thorough analysis, we discovered that there were some serious fan problems. This blog is all about recognizing HVAC system problems early and keeping your system on point, so that you can avoid permanent damage.
