Keeping My HVAC System On Point

Is your HVAC system struggling to turn on and off? Learn to recognize HVAC problems early so you can avoid permanent damage.

Keeping My HVAC System On Point

How To Remove A Defective Furnace Blower Fan And Replace It With A New One

19 April 2016
, Articles

If your furnace blower is no longer pushing heated air through the registers and vents, then it is likely the blower motor has failed and needs replacing. Fortunately, replacing the blower motor is a fairly easy repair for most homeowners, and it only requires the use of a few simple hand tools. Below is a step-by-step procedure for removing the old blower motor and replacing it with a new one:
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4 Out-Of-The-Box Ways To Improve Your Air Conditioner’s Efficiency This Summer

19 April 2016
 Categories: , Articles

Maintaining your heating and cooling system is essential for prolonging its lifespan and ensuring it runs in an effective, efficient manner. However, maintenance alone will not help your system run properly when temperatures are increasing this summer. Considering half of your home's total energy consumption goes towards heating and air conditioning, improving your air conditioner's efficiency this summer is smart for reducing costs. Thankfully, you can reduce cooling costs by improving your system's efficiency using these out-of-the-box solutions.
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It’s Almost Spring – Have You Checked Your Air Conditioner Yet?

1 February 2016
 Categories: , Articles

Spring is almost here and with it comes warmer weather and, eventually, the need for your air conditioner. If you haven't used your A/C in the past few months, it will need some work before you can get it up and running again. With the following tips and tricks, you can shake those cobwebs off your A/C system and get it ready for the hot summer months ahead. Give Your A/C A Spring Cleaning
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3 Important Questions For First-Time HVAC Owners

30 November 2015
 Categories: , Articles

If you've just installed central heating and air conditioning (HVAC) in your home for the first time, or you recently moved into your first residence with this form of climate control, you may be wondering what you've gotten yourself into. It's easy to be puzzled or even overwhelmed by your system's complex apparatus and its potential for experiencing mechanical issues. Here are the answers to three questions that are crucial to your understanding of central heating and air.
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10 HVAC Maintenance Tips That Can Help You Avoid Emergency Repairs

16 November 2015
 Categories: , Articles

With fall and winter weather in full swing, now is the time to think about all the things you should have, but haven't had time to do to your air conditioner. Slacking off on maintenance is one of the reasons why emergency repairs are often needed, since a poorly maintained system can break down at practically any given moment. The best way to avoid the hassle and expense of emergency repairs involves being proactive about air conditioning maintenance.
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About Me
Keeping My HVAC System On Point

About a year ago, I could tell that our HVAC system was really starting to struggle. No matter what we did, the system seemed to have a hard time turning on and off. When our air was running, it smelled terrible. In the winter, it seemed like our home was never warm enough. To ward off sudden failures, we hired a professional to come out and inspect our system. After a thorough analysis, we discovered that there were some serious fan problems. This blog is all about recognizing HVAC system problems early and keeping your system on point, so that you can avoid permanent damage.
